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Library Hall

The Library located in the northen wing of the main building is one of the largest libraries in South India for Gandhian Stuides/Peace Studies. This was inaugurated by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.

Total Collection of Books : 32,000 volumes including backvolumes and periodicals.

Important Collections :

Young India (14vols.)


The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi (100 vols.)in English & Gujarati.

Photostat copies of Manuscripts 27,000 copies

Books on Peace Studies and Gandhiana, Yoga and Meditation, Freedom Struggle, Speeches and Writings of Eminent persons, Biographies of Indian Freedom Fighters & notable persons.

Total number of readers visiting the Library per annum : 20,000

Important Readers : Research Scholars from Indian & Foreign Universities.

Access : Closed Access System.

Classification : Dewey Decimal Classification  System.


Research and Publications

The Research and Publication Wing is housed in the first floor of the Library building. This wing undertakes translating specific writings of Mahatma Gandhi from English to Tamil since all the 100 volumes of The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi are not available in Tamil. So far books on Swadeshi, Bhagavads Gita, etc., are published.
Editing and publication of various titles are also undertaken under the auspices of this section of Gandhi Memorial Museum, Madurai. Following is the list of publications.

  • Doctor Martin Luther King,
  • Homage to Mahatma
  • Anugundum Mahatmavum (Tamil)
  • Mahatmavukku Anaithulaga Anjali (Tamil)
  • Voice of a Great soul, etc.